Folder structure looks like this: release + gui.exe + icudt51.dll + icuin51.dll + icuuc51.dll + libGLESv2.dll + Qt5Core.dll + Qt5Gui.dll + Qt5Widgets. Thank You Everyone So Much For Watch My Video On How To Fix No Qt Platform Plugin Could Be Initialized Error - This Application Failed To Start. Browse through the user and system lists to see if QTPLUGINPATH has been. Click on the environment variables button at the bottom 6. Open advanced system settings on the left 5. Available platform plugins are: minimal, offscreen, windows. How do I fix the Qt platform plugin 'windows' error 1. Can anyone help me to figure out what is going on here? Is the problem with instcore.exe? I may provide more info if needed. This application failed to start because it could not find or load the Qt platform plugin 'windows'. I am still confused why do I even have to fix this type of error, there was no mention about QT.

As well it seems that still there are not all the folders that should be in the pyqt5 installation, at least not those that I have seen in the video. Installed 3.8.1 without issues Ran GRC Loaded a QT frequency sink in a flowgraph Received this error message: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find Qt platform. Solved: Qt platform plugin windows error the application failed to start. I am however not familiar with this and cannot find how to fix it. This solved to whenever i try to launch games i get a error about qt. Available platform plugins are: minimal, windows. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. However, the structure of the pyqt5 folders have changed ( ) and the aforementioned fixes do not apply or I have to use other directory. 'This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized.
#Qt platform plugin windows error install
I have found out I am missing the needed packages and installed them through pip (pip install pyqt5.) so now I have them and I have added relevant paths into my PATH system variable (C:\Users\mRuzicka\AppData\Roaming\Python\Python36\site-packages\pyqt5_plugins). I have of course tried to fix it myself, for example here: or by this tutorial. The weird part is that setx QTQPAPLATFORMPLUGINPATH 'C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\PyQt 5\plugins\platforms' didn't work at all. And the Windows platform plugin, qwindows.dll, as well as the executable to the same directory tree in the release subdirectory. Interestingly, your above method of adding the os.environ value worked. The windows platform option (or any option for that matter) doesn't show up at all. Available platforms plugins are: minimal, offscreen, webgl, windows. Actually I have not found anything relevant to ANSYS with this error. Well, I have a similar but slightly different problem. This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. I am wondering why, because I have not found anything about the need of having QT installed as prerequisite ( ).